Protecting Trees Against Bark Beetles

Protecting Trees Against Bark Beetles

Have you noticed small holes in the bark of your trees? Do you have concerns about what they may be? Chances are, you have a case of bark beetles. Continue reading below for tips on identifying and protecting your trees against bark beetles. What Do Bark Beetles Look...
Preparing Your Trees for The Fall

Preparing Your Trees for The Fall

The changing seasons are a time that many love and some dread. The lush green leaves on your trees have peaked, but what’s coming next? To avoid an ugly surprise and stand out as a stellar homeowner, you must take the appropriate steps for your tree care in the fall....
Maintaining the Tree Professionally is Vital

Maintaining the Tree Professionally is Vital

Trees are vital for our survival on Earth. Trees provide for us, from keeping the temperature in check to reducing air pollution, preventing floods, giving timber, and providing habitat to various birds and animals. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that we look...
Palm Tree Care: Should I Cut Off Brown Palm Leaves?

Palm Tree Care: Should I Cut Off Brown Palm Leaves?

Palm trees always remind you of warm days and sunshine; they’re a classic tree in those hotter, tropical climates standing tall and proud against a bright, blue sky. But a palm tree is only a grand addition to your home landscape when its leaves are green and healthy....
10 Tips to Help Trees Survive the Colder Weather

10 Tips to Help Trees Survive the Colder Weather

As winter approaches and temperatures start to drop, it’s important to be mindful of how the colder weather can affect your trees. While winter is an important part of the tree’s growth cycle, extreme winter weather can cause damage and even death if not properly...
How to Treat Fungus and Algae Growth on Trees

How to Treat Fungus and Algae Growth on Trees

Following extended periods of rain, it is common to find strange, blob-like growths on your tree bark. These growths can develop overnight, and appear in an array of colors and textures; most often, furry and filmy, in colors like greens, whites, or yellows. So what...
Can I Trim Dead Branches Off a Tree in Summer?

Can I Trim Dead Branches Off a Tree in Summer?

Tree pruning and trimming are two separate types of tree services, but both are equally critical to a tree’s overall well-being. We know that tree pruning should be done at certain times of the year in order to protect trees from pest infestations, disease, and...
Common Glossary Terms for Tree Leaves

Common Glossary Terms for Tree Leaves

Trees are among the most important natural organisms on the planet. In order for trees to thrive, they rely on their leaves for many matters, from wind resistance and driplines, to photosynthesis. Continue below to learn more about tree leaves by reviewing a glossary...
Will the Snow Kill My Tree?

Will the Snow Kill My Tree?

Do you have a tree on your lot that has been experiencing some weakness or problems? If so, all this recent snowfall might have your concerned about its potential to persevere through spring. Continue reading to learn how snow and cold temperatures might affect...
Tree Bark Damage Solutions

Tree Bark Damage Solutions

Pest, infestation, harsh weather, lawn mowers, landscape work, home remodeling projects, nuisance wildlife, and vandalism are just some of the common causes for tree bark defects here in Melbourne. Because we love our trees so much and value the numerous benefits they...
Common Tree Problems That Happen in the Fall

Common Tree Problems That Happen in the Fall

Trees play an important role in our environment. They help clean the air we breathe and provide homes for wildlife. Trees also add beauty to our landscape. But, like all living things, trees need care to stay healthy. Unfortunately, with every passing season comes the...
Fundamental Tree Transplanting Tips

Fundamental Tree Transplanting Tips

One of the most fundamental aspects of gardening is learning how to transplant a tree. This process is not difficult, but there are a few key tips to keep in mind to ensure that your tree thrives in its new location. Continue below to learn some fundamental tips to...
How Does Tree Pruning Reduce Storm Damage

How Does Tree Pruning Reduce Storm Damage

Some years we get a lot of thunderstorms and strong winds and other years we get a bit less. Some areas of the country are hit harder than others, depending on their potential for hurricanes or tornadoes. Sometimes there is hail and flooding that come along with gusty...
7 Ways You Can Embrace Sustainable Living Every Day

7 Ways You Can Embrace Sustainable Living Every Day

Living sustainably has become a part of many people’s everyday life. You can’t go anywhere without hearing about eco-friendly practices and reduce, reuse, recycle slogans. But it can be confusing seeing all of this information and wondering how you can make a...
How to Get Rid of Poison Ivy on Your Property

How to Get Rid of Poison Ivy on Your Property

Most of the time, a pop of color is a good thing. But when it comes in the form of vines growing on your trees or in your yard – poisonous vines, to boot – it’s not the kind of color you’re seeking. The poison ivy plant is definitely not a desirable plant, especially...
Shrub Pruning: Why It Matters

Shrub Pruning: Why It Matters

Most home landscapes have shrubs. They improve soil stability, boost air quality, and create habitats for wildlife. On top of that, shrubs can provide beauty to the landscape throughout all seasons. These small- to medium-sized woody plants can be evergreen or...
How to Manage Scale: Early Prevention is Key

How to Manage Scale: Early Prevention is Key

As you watch your trees grow or relax under their shade on sunny afternoons, it’s hard to imagine that something small like an insect could take one of those giant structures down. Yet even very small pests can do quite a number on your trees if you don’t catch them...