Identify and Manage Invasive Plants

Identify and Manage Invasive Plants

Invasive plants are not native to an ecosystem. Further, their introduction results in harm to that ecosystem. Their presence can negatively impact the environment as they spread aggressively and outperform native plants. They can also hurt the local economy,...
Caring for Trees: From Autumn into Winter

Caring for Trees: From Autumn into Winter

As autumn settles in and winter approaches, it’s a good time consider the care your trees need now and throughout the coming season. Keep these things in mind and you’ll have happier trees this spring! Cultural Practices to Keep Trees Healthy Pruning: Before winter...
Why Fall is a Smart Time to Prune Trees

Why Fall is a Smart Time to Prune Trees

There are a number of reasons for tree pruning; some are safety-related, some are to lessen interference with buildings, and some protect the health of the tree. The need for pruning will depend on your own landscape goals as well as the trees themselves and...
Fight Fire Blight with Pruning & Treatments

Fight Fire Blight with Pruning & Treatments

While tree diseases often thrive in spring, it is important to remember that proper care year-round can make a big difference in managing these issues. Some simple practices now can help combat disease. One good example is autumn and winter care to help control...